NTL Record

Title Establishing Monitoring Programs for Travel Time Reliability
Record ID 61934
Personal Name
List, George F.; Williams, Billy M.; Rouphail, Nagui M.; Hranac, Rob; Barkley, Tiffany; Mai, Eric; Ciccarelli, Armand; Rodegerdts, Lee; Pincus, Katie; Nevers, Brandon; Karr, Alan F.; Zhou, Xuesong; Wojtowicz, Jeffrey; Schofer, Joseph L.; Khattak, Asad J.
Corporate Creator North Carolina State University. Institute for Transportation Research & Education; Kittelson & Associates, Inc; University of Utah; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.); Iteris/Berkeley Transportation Systems, Inc.; National Institute of Statistical Sciences; Planitek; Second Strategic Highway Research Program (U.S.)
National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board; United States. Federal Highway Administration; American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
Publisher National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board
Publication Date 20140000
Language English
Abstract Within the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2), Project L02 focused on creating a suite of methods by which transportation agencies could monitor and evaluate travel time reliability. Creation of the methods also produced an improved understanding of why and how travel times vary and the factors that create that variation. This final report provides a brief narrative about what reliability is and how it can be measured and analyzed. A general finding is that reliability is best described by creating holistic pictures like probability density functions (PDFs) and their associated cumulative density functions (CDFs). PDFs are helpful for identifying multimodality or the existence of multiple operating conditions within the data being examined. CDFs are helpful for seeing if progress is being made in making a system more reliable or for comparing the reliability of one system against another. After an introductory chapter, chapters in this report address: a survey of existing systems and user needs; functional specifications; data collection, assembly, and cleaning; sensor spacing and sampling for travel time reliability monitoring; data processing and analysis; and case studies. The last chapter provides a summary and conclusions. For supporting datasets, please see https://rosap.ntl.bts.gov/view/dot/3602
Rosap ID dot:4039
Rosap URL https://rosap.ntl.bts.gov/view/dot/4039
TRT Terms Case studies; Data collection; Data quality; Highway travel; Sensors; Traffic surveillance; Travel time; Intelligent transportation systems
General Subjects Strategic Highway Research Program 2 (SHRP2); travel time reliability
United States; California; New York; Virginia; New Jersey; San Diego (California); Sacramento (California); Atlanta (Georgia)
ISBN 9780309272865
Report Number S2-L02-RR-1
Resource type Tech Report
URL https://ntlrepository.blob.core.windows.net/lib/61000/61900/61934/List_Establishing_Monitoring_Travel_Time_Reliability_SHRP2_L02_2014_Final_Report.pdf
Format PDF
Database NTL Digital Repository